LANCÔME Advanced Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate 升級版嫩肌活膚精華 7ml x3 Exp:2026



LANCÔME Advanced Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate (New) has the following features: An upgraded formula with a new complex of 7 pre and probiotic fractions to act on the skin microbiome. Enriched with millions of probiotic fractions, including Yeast-& Bifidus-Extracts, it helps to strengthen skin’s barrier and improve skin’s texture, radiance, elasticity and firmness for a younger looking skin. LANCÔME「升級版嫩肌活膚精華」具有以下特點: 升級版配方加入 7 種「微生態」營養素 – 益生元及酵母萃取物,能有效調節肌膚「微生態」。 修護肌膚屏障,抵禦外來侵襲。 改善膚質、提升光澤、增強彈性,重現年輕肌膚。

Product Details

How to use

Use morning and night. Apply the face serum on clean dry skin. The perfect amount will already be in the dropper. Dispense into the palm of your hand. Press the serum lightly, firmly and evenly into the skin. Spread the excess serum across forehead, cheeks, chin and down the neck in long gliding strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards. Finish by stroking downward on the T-zone and across the upper and lower lip, then under the jaw line. Follow with your favourite moisturiser.

How long cosmetics are fresh?

A shelf life of cosmetics depends on a period after opening and production date.

Period after opening (PAO). Some cosmetics should be used within a specified period of time after opening due to oxidation and microbiological factors. Their packaging has a drawing of an open jar, inside it, there is a number representing the number of months. In this example, it is 6 months of use after opening.

Production date. Unused cosmetics also lose their freshness and become dry. According to EU law, the manufacturer has to put the expiration date only on cosmetics whose shelf life is less than 30 months. The most common periods of suitability for use from the date of manufacture:

Perfumes with alcohol - about 5 years
Skin care cosmetics - minimum 3 years
Makeup cosmetics - from 3 years (mascara) to more than 5 years (powders)

The shelf life may vary depending on the manufacturer. reads the date of production from the batch code.



作為抗老精華液的保養步驟: 使用化妝水後,取適量塗抹於臉部肌膚。 作為前導精華的保養步驟: 洗臉清潔後,於化妝水之後取一滴管定量擦拭於於全臉,接著使用您慣用的精華液,之後再使用面霜、乳液保濕鎖水。 更多密集修護法保養步驟: 與高機能化妝水混和濕敷,立即修復肌膚。建議每週進行密集修護法 1 - 2次,有皮膚乾燥等肌膚狀況時建議使用。


開封後時期 (PAO)。有些化妝品由於氧化和微生物等因素,開封後要在規定的時間內使用。他們的包裝上有一個打開的罐子的圖畫,裡面有一個代表月數的數字。本例中為開封後使用 6 個月。

生產日期。未使用的化妝品也會失去新鮮感並變乾。根據歐盟法律,製造商只能在保質期少於 30 個月的化妝品上標註保質期。自生產之日起最常見的適用期:

含酒精的香水 - 約 5 年
護膚化妝品 - 至少 3 年
化妝品 - 從 3 年(睫毛膏)到 5 年以上(粉末)



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