Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lift Regenerating Youth Eye Crème 極緻花漾新生眼霜5ml Exp:2026



See the skin around your eyes thrive with this soft, refreshing eye creme, infused with powerful Ultimate Lift technologies and rich, rejuvenating nourishment for the delicate eye area. Skin looks remarkably more lifted, and is strengthened to help resist future signs of aging. Crow’s feet and puffiness look minimized. Dark circles are visibly brightened. The vital radiance of youthful eyes is regenerated. 塗上非凡滋潤的眼霜,為雙眼灌注新生活力。配方注入強效的極緻提升技術及深層滋養功效,呵護幼嫩的眼周肌膚。 肌膚變得明顯提升,同時有效強化膚質以助抵禦日後的衰老跡象。減淡魚尾紋,去除浮腫,明顯淡化黑眼圈。 雙眸重現年輕光采。

Product Details

THE FLORALIXIR™ DEWA potent force to reawaken skin’s youthful renewal. It begins with two precious flowers that thrive in the frigid Himalayas and the parched highlands of Brazil, their potency magnified by the power of Re-Nutriv science.

See the skin around your eyes thrive with this soft, refreshing eye creme, infused with powerful Ultimate Lift technologies and rich, rejuvenating nourishment for the delicate eye area. Skin looks remarkably more lifted, and is strengthened to help resist future signs of aging. Crow’s feet and puffiness look minimized. Dark circles are visibly brightened. The vital radiance of youthful eyes is regenerated.
THE FLORALIXIR™ DEWA potent force to reawaken skin’s youthful renewal. It begins with two precious flowers that thrive in the frigid Himalayas and the parched highlands of Brazil, their potency magnified by the power of Re-Nutriv science.

How long cosmetics are fresh?

A shelf life of cosmetics depends on a period after opening and production date.

Period after opening (PAO). Some cosmetics should be used within a specified period of time after opening due to oxidation and microbiological factors. Their packaging has a drawing of an open jar, inside it, there is a number representing the number of months. In this example, it is 6 months of use after opening.

Production date. Unused cosmetics also lose their freshness and become dry. According to EU law, the manufacturer has to put the expiration date only on cosmetics whose shelf life is less than 30 months. The most common periods of suitability for use from the date of manufacture:

Perfumes with alcohol – about 5 years
Skin care cosmetics – minimum 3 years
Makeup cosmetics – from 3 years (mascara) to more than 5 years (powders)

The shelf life may vary depending on the manufacturer. reads the date of production from the batch code.


FLORALIXIR™ DEW使肌膚重現年輕風采的強大護膚力量,源自在寒冷喜馬拉雅山脈及乾熱巴西高地茁壯成長的兩種珍貴花朵,再配以 Re-Nutriv 科學力量激發美肌功效。

塗上非凡滋潤的眼霜,為雙眼灌注新生活力。配方注入強效的極緻提升技術及深層滋養功效,呵護幼嫩的眼周肌膚。 肌膚變得明顯提升,同時有效強化膚質以助抵禦日後的衰老跡象。減淡魚尾紋,去除浮腫,明顯淡化黑眼圈。 雙眸重現年輕光采。FLORALIXIR™ DEW使肌膚重現年輕風采的強大護膚力量,源自在寒冷喜馬拉雅山脈及乾熱巴西高地茁壯成長的兩種珍貴花朵,再配以 Re-Nutriv 科學力量激發美肌功效。


開封後時期 (PAO)。有些化妝品由於氧化和微生物等因素,開封後要在規定的時間內使用。他們的包裝上有一個打開的罐子的圖畫,裡面有一個代表月數的數字。本例中為開封後使用 6 個月。

生產日期。未使用的化妝品也會失去新鮮感並變乾。根據歐盟法律,製造商只能在保質期少於 30 個月的化妝品上標註保質期。自生產之日起最常見的適用期:

含酒精的香水 – 約 5 年
護膚化妝品 – 至少 3 年
化妝品 – 從 3 年(睫毛膏)到 5 年以上(粉末)



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