WHOO Jinyulhyang Jinyul Essential Cleansing Foam 津率享紅山蔘淨顏泡沫40ml x3 Exp:2026



✔Kampo facial cleanser with the function of softening skin and highly concentrated body fluid type ✔It can gently wash away old waste on the skin, not drying it out after cleansing, and at the same time strengthen the skin's moisturizing power. ✔Effectively prevent skin inflammation and reduce the formation of acne ✔具有柔膚的功能,高濃縮津液類型的漢方洗面乳 ✔能溫和洗去肌膚上的老廢物,潔面後不乾澀,同時強化肌膚保濕力 ✔有效預防皮膚發炎,減少暗瘡形成

Product Details

Contains natural Chinese herbal cleansing ingredients (soapwort extract, natural pine mushroom extract) and 3 precious complexes formulated according to esoteric court formulas of ancient Korea, JungQiBoYulDan, GaMiSoYoSan and HongHwaGiDan,. Soapwort extract is a natural cleansing ingredient that is rich in vitamin C and natural saponin. It can gently cleanse the skin, preventing damage and dryness. Natural pine mushroom can strengthen the skin, help moisturise, detoxify the skin, promote blood circulation and prevent inflammation. The three esoteric court complexes reduce irritation, dryness and sensitivity, while slowing down signs of ageing on the skin, replenishing moisture, and reconditioning the skin. Skin feels refined and firm after use.

How long cosmetics are fresh?

A shelf life of cosmetics depends on a period after opening and production date.

Period after opening (PAO). Some cosmetics should be used within a specified period of time after opening due to oxidation and microbiological factors. Their packaging has a drawing of an open jar, inside it, there is a number representing the number of months. In this example, it is 6 months of use after opening.

Production date. Unused cosmetics also lose their freshness and become dry. According to EU law, the manufacturer has to put the expiration date only on cosmetics whose shelf life is less than 30 months. The most common periods of suitability for use from the date of manufacture:

Perfumes with alcohol - about 5 years
Skin care cosmetics - minimum 3 years
Makeup cosmetics - from 3 years (mascara) to more than 5 years (powders)

The shelf life may vary depending on the manufacturer.

CheckFresh.com reads the date of production from the batch code.

含天然漢方潔面成分 (皂草、天然松茸萃取物)及三種宮廷秘方包括加味逍遙散、精氣補率丹及紅華肌丹製成。皂草是天然的潔面成分,內含豐富的維他命C與天然皂素,可溫和清潔肌膚,防止肌膚受損及預防乾燥。而天然松茸能強化肌膚,有助保濕,為肌膚解毒, 促進血液循環,預防發炎。 三種宮廷秘方幫助肌膚降低對乾燥敏感之刺激,同時減慢肌膚老化,補充津液,調整膚質,使肌膚嬌嫩緊緻。

取適量產品放於手心,加入適量清水打圈至起泡後,輕輕推勻到面部和頸部按摩1-2 分鐘後,避開眼睛,最後以溫水徹底洗凈。




開封後時期 (PAO)。有些化妝品由於氧化和微生物等因素,開封後要在規定的時間內使用。他們的包裝上有一個打開的罐子的圖畫,裡面有一個代表月數的數字。本例中為開封後使用 6 個月。

生產日期。未使用的化妝品也會失去新鮮感並變乾。根據歐盟法律,製造商只能在保質期少於 30 個月的化妝品上標註保質期。自生產之日起最常見的適用期:

含酒精的香水 - 約 5 年
護膚化妝品 - 至少 3 年
化妝品 - 從 3 年(睫毛膏)到 5 年以上(粉末)



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